
Fingers Crossed.

It appears that on Monday I will be interviewing for one of three long-term positions in a school district about 40 min from where I live. This district is not like the hoity-toity people who foolishly passed up on me a couple months ago, but it is nice and it does have a good reputation. This position is only for this school year, at least that's how it has been advertised. That's okay. I'll take it. It would be half a leg into a good district and it would be WAY better than the daily sludge and boredom of subbing.

Who knows what it would lead to...

They have two positions open at the middle school and one at the high school. I've taught in both, and I'll happily accept any one of the positions. Of course though, I'll be pulling for the high school gig.

I'm going to to do what S told me to do...think about how I would/will feel when they call to offer the job to me.

I'm putting in my time, Mother Universe, it's your turn to deliver.

Think good thoughts for me. Please.

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