
Nothing to Lose.

It went well. They, three of them, asked the standard interview questions. And I gave intelligent responses and was as honest as I could possibly be. At the end, they asked me if I had any questions. And that's when I laid it all out on the line. I told about being snubbed out of two positions in a high profile district because I wasn't known. I explained that I was now well aware of the politics in hiring within Western Pennsylvania education. I then tried to convey who I was as a teacher back in CA; the relationships I had with faculty, parents and students. I was someone. I was a good teacher. I am a good teacher.

I told them what I tell my seniors every year: Don't be afraid to take smart risks. That's where the best rewards lie. I told them to take a risk and hire me. I then pulled out copies of letters from parents and students. I left those with them and explained that these letters were the best insight that they would have as to who I was, the impact I am capable of, and the person I am.

They let their guards down. Their stoic faces softened. One said they were solely interested in hiring the best teachers regardless of whether or not it pissed off the board. How refreshing. I thanked them for their honesty and candor, shook their hands, and left. Two others were waiting in the lobby to be interviewed.

Let the chips fall where they may.

1 comment:

meli said...

fingers crossed. i love hat you brought an edge to the interview and i LOVE that you brought your letters. you rock!