
Steel City Woman.

I've created a new blog, if you will. Just look to the right of your screen and you'll see a link under the heading "My Writings." The new site is titled Steel City Woman. That's me.

It's a place for me to write, to feel productive, even if I'm only posting work that has already been written. I'm hoping the simple act of revisiting my own work will get me going on some new pieces. It may just be nothing more than a space to fill idle time, of which I have too much. But, it's healthy, productive and it makes me feel good. Who knows they may just publish a book or make a movie about the Steel City Woman someday.

If they (whomever that they may be) do come a callin' with a Hollywood entourage, then the following women should be considered to play me:

1. Sarah Silverman (she's funny, she's got huevos, and I look JUST like her, or so I'm told every other day)

2. Hillary Swank (although she already has made one teacher movie, but she is a tremendous and respected actress)

3. Milla Jovovich (she is just simply stunning, and probably what I wish I could morph into if that were possible)

4. Natalie Portman (both beautiful and talented, you just can't go wrong with this woman)

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