It was another, in a series of so many hallmarks, a first. As I snapped the shutter far too many times, because god forbid I miss the perfect shot, a knot sat in my belly, and I wondered -what happens when the firsts are over? What then? What will I use to mark the passage of time, the images and moments that have anchored me through this cyclone of Motherhood? Those firsts are the eye, the calm, the only way I know I have not missed anything, that she's still little.
And then just like that,
the baby was gone.
And then just like that,
she grew up.
This has been another incredible week of firsts: haircut, lollipops, baking, seeing farm animals, and the big kid swing. As I draw a silent line through each one, cataloging the event with words and pictures, I quietly hush the momentary pannic when I remember that there are still plenty more. She may not be a baby, but she's still little.
On the drive home from the salon, my mother who is visiting us this week, was sitting in the backseat with Lucy. We were both marveling over the darling new do, when she asked, "You don't want to get her ears pierced?"
No, I said. Not until she asks.
I still have that first.
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