
"Healthy Starts Here"

Good morning and welcome to my 28-Day Healthy Eating Challenge, brought to you in part by my own willingness and my local Whole Foods Market.

In my (ceaseless, sometimes unsuccessful, but well-intended) quest for better health, I have signed myself up for this 28-day challenge. I received an email from the school nurse alerting staff of the program and the word "free gym membership" stopped me from immediately deleting the message. What's involved? After ponying up $35, here's what I've gotten myself into:

  • 4 Healthy Eating Nutritional & Cooking Classes
  • a One-on-One Consultation with a healthy eating specialist
  • a Guided tour of my Whole Foods Market
  • Food & Exercise Journal
  • a copy of Eat to Live, by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
  • 28-day free pass to my local Urban Active gym 
As I stated above, the last bullet point is what really got me interested. On the whole, I figure I can do just about anything for 28 days. I hope to get some good eating habits out of this, and if anything, rethink how I look at food.

The main charge of this program is to eat "plant strong, whole grains, low fat, nutrient dense foods that include limited quantities of seafood and meat." Basically the goal is to get closer to the vegan lifestyle. I can say with almost 100% certainty that a vegan lifestyle is not possible in our household. Big Red has willingly gone along with my meat reductionist ways, but he would surely stage a protest if I eliminated animal products all together. Truth is, I'm not sure I want to eliminate all animal products. I don't have to, nor do I want to, eat meat every single day, or cheese, or milk (we've already ditched cow's milk and now drink almond milk), but once in a while it's enjoyable. I do have the upper hand when it comes to what is consumed in our household because pretty much I'm the one that does all the cooking and shopping. Mwahahah!

This morning I was up, eyes open, alert and ready to go, at 7 am. After letting Olive out and feeding her breakfast, we left Big Red upstairs to sleep in, and we headed downstairs. Olive chewed on a toy and occasionally tried to get on my mat with me as I did yoga for 40 minutes. As I was twisting and breathing into various poses, I recognized how much flexibility I have lost over the years. As a young girl, I was a gymnast and could easily contort my body - um, not so much anymore. But I'm working on it. The havoc I have brought upon my joints thanks to many injuries as a consequence of years as a serious athlete, will no doubt benefit from some yoga.

Breakfast was a sweet potato and a few clementines. I haven't gone to the grocery store yet, so that was my limited non-processed food choice for the morning. After I sign off here, I'm going to go through my materials given to me by Whole Foods, make a list, and then hit the store.

I don't know what's going to happen over the next 28 days. I hope to keep an open mind and I'm excited to try out some new recipes. If I stick to my guns, I'm certain to shed a few pounds - always a bonus. As of today, I'm down 8.2 lbs since the start of 2012.

Here. I. Go.

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